
Welcome and thank you for stopping by. I am Ayra and I am the blogger behind Butter and Things. I love to cook and I love sharing my food experiences/recipes with people. I started this blog to have a place where I can document my recipes for my family, friends (friends includes you), and me. I love trying new foods and sometimes when I’ve made a recipe I have lost the recipe. I am hoping that this blog will be a great resource for all of us. I will share a myriad of yummy recipes that you can try. I try to eat produce that is in season, and I’ve been known to prefer organic foods. Ok, I have to be honest I absolutely love fresh, organic, and local produce.

I have a team of food critics which includes my husband,  daughter, and son. They are very honest so you can bet that the recipes posted here have been tested in my kitchen and have the seal of approval from my food critics. In my site you will find all types of recipes from easy to difficult ones, my main concern is that the food taste absolutely delicious. I am super excited to embark on this journey and I would love for you to join me.